Couple’s Counseling, Coaching, and Mentoring with Marilyn or Lou Guadagnino


It is natural for couples to experience rough periods with difficulty communicating and resolving conflicts. Marilyn and Lou have a combined 60 years working in the mental health field assisting people with their emotion regulation, communication and stress management. They also have been happily married for almost three decades, which has afforded them much life experience specifically related to couple’s issues.

Couple’s counseling, coaching, and mentoring is designed for couples who want to problem solve, gain insights, and learn to work as a team to move forward with common goals. They teach effective stress reduction techniques to assist couples with calming their own inner state so they are better able to relate to their partner.

Their methods are better suited for couples looking to enhance their relationship as opposed to those with significant marital discord.

This is also a great service  for new couples who are getting ready to start a life together preparing for officially committing to each other.

Choose either Marilyn or Lou to work with you. They are both amazing life mentors:

Marilyn Guadagnino will focus more on the counseling/psychotherapy aspect of couple’s work. Her focus will include how past resentments and difficult life circumstances have affected present interactions and will include creative methods to process these unresolved feelings.

Lou Guadagnino will focus more on the life coaching/spiritual aspect of couples work. He offers affective strategies to use right now to improve and enhance communication and helps clients increase their awareness of themselves and others on a much bigger level.

After your purchase you will be contacted to schedule an appointment. Please specify if you prefer to work with Marilyn Guadagnino or Lou Guadagnino in person or Zoom.

Couple’s Counseling, Coaching, and Mentoring with Marilyn or Lou Guadagnino – only $100/60 Minute Session 

See all payment options, including discount packages, below.


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